Title: War on Terra
punchdrunkardFandom: Warhammer 40K, The Horus Heresy series
Characters: Horus Lupercal, Sanguinius
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word count: 1080
Summary: Horus wakes up.
A/N: Somehow I wrote this as / before I realised it was , so if there are some artifacts in the text of that, I apologize for interrogating my own text from the wrong perspective.
Prompt: Warhammer 40K, Horus Lupercal, Sanguinius: Memory Loss - What did I miss?
prompt fill@
ao3 (with slight edits 8/24)
This entry was originally posted at
http://twopunch.dreamwidth.org/3597.html where there are
comments. Please comment on dreamwidth.