Nov 30, 2005 09:29
In response to Bush's encouraging, honest and vastly blunt. speach today Democratic failure Kerry responded and this is what we know he was actually trying to say.
Estimated Time for success = Artificial timeline for withdrawl.Yet Kerry stated that Dems were not asking for an artificial timeline?
Kerry - every one of us supports the elections in Iraq [What he meant ] But none of us think we actually went to war legally in the first place so our support is hollow.
Kerry - It is the large pressence of our troops on the ground that is encouraging the insurgency.
[ twopoundradio ] One gerneral made this statement and it was taken out of context. If 80% of Americans support withdrawl, what poll was Kerry even quoting. I haven't seen one poll on the planet backing that up.
Kerry - what does it mean to the troops in Iraq when the debate is going on at home. Kerry stated that they were thanking him for armor etc.
[ twopoundradio ] I have spoken with serveral people in Iraq and some of our troops there. NO ONE is crediting Democrats with any kind of support for this war.
Jack Reed - also addressed Bush's speach stating that it was in-coherent. Really? What part about quitting now and leaving the terrorist in charge was not an option was hard to understand? What part about needing significant Iraq forces in place to protect peace did he not understand? IF this is the best the Democrats have to offer, maybe what we really need is to have Republicans start writing the Democratic responses for them.
In summary - What the average American hears the two parties are saying.
Republicans = We realize the importance of this war and made mistakes early on. We are changing our tactics, better training our fighters and Iraq supporters of freedom.
Democrats = We realize you said this was going to be tough and require sacrifice and we agreed with you but now we are not willing to follow through. Please appease the terrorists by letting them know about when you think we will be giving up.