Your Name: Boots
Age: Older than dirt. Literally, for some varieties of dirt. (Which is to say: 27)
IM: ilikeboytouching
Character Name: Torn
Series: Jak II
Timeline: Immediately after the events at Mar’s Tomb
Wiki link!Let's see here, what do we know about Torn? He's former KG. Even if he didn't admit to it, the tattoos that mark all KG officers are...well. Kind of glaringly right-in-your-face-there-is-no-avoiding-those-puppies obvious. Clearly, Baron Praxis takes the matter of loyalty to one's country himself very, very seriously. It's strongly implied that Torn was formerly a commander (do they say it outright? No. But saying Erol took his place is a pretty good indication, don't you think?), which also implies he was pretty damn good at his job, considering I doubt that the Baron promotes people for bringing him flowers. At some point, however, Torn couldn't tolerate the Baron's practices any more (dude's kind of a dick.) and left. Except...y'know, you don't really leave the KG. You can't exactly go walking up to Baron Praxis and announce your intent to resign. And I'm relatively certain that if you did, Praxis wouldn't insist on throwing you a goodbye party, complete with strippers jumping out of cakes.
...I'm getting off track.
Okay, okay...former officer...ditched because they were all assholes...started a Rebel Alliance underground organization to go against Praxis' er practices...what next, what next--oh!
So somewhere in there, he met this kid named Jak. Now, Jak wasn't bad. He did what he was told, did it well, did it fast--hell, he was better than some of the trained officers Torn had worked with. Can't complain, right? ...Okay, yes, can complain, the rat was an aggravating little bastard, but Jak! Jak was pretty alright. Torn didn't mind the kid too much, even if he sent him on plenty of suicide missions (okay, look, have you ever tried piloting a zoomer at top speed over that damn highway in the bazaar? Suicide mission. S'all I'm saying.). Hey, it's not Torn's fault that Jak had that funny little habit of coming back from the things alive!
Anyhow, thanks to some help from Jak (and occasionally no thanks to Jak), the Underground was...not actually doing completely horrifically! Oh, sure, Praxis was still trying to kill or capture them all, and oh sure, life in the slums still sucked (hey, they're slums, not the Ritz.), but a step closer to getting the Kid back on the throne is still a step, right? Even if it's a slow, shambling step? Right. Yes, it is. So the Underground kept inching towards its goals (say it with me now, Braveheart fans, FREEEEEDOOOOOOM) and Praxis kept inching toward his, but it looked like at long last the Underground was finally going to get a leg up on things!
Or it was until...y'know. Torn sold them out to save his girlfriend.
Personality: Torn comes across as very brusque, very gruff. At first glance, he's a complete dick who trusts...well, pretty much nobody. By his own admission, new faces make him nervous (and, well, considering his situation, who can blame him?). Even when he finally softens toward Jak, he still retains that gruffness. Military-types. Sigh. But you can't completely blame him for it--after his experience in the KG, and especially given what he's experienced in the Underground (do I suspect a lot of personal losses? Yes, I do.) who can really be surprised when he hesitates to embrace people to his bosom. (Okay, that was just an excuse to use the word bosom. Shh.) It gets hard to welcome people when you constantly suspect they'll die or "vanish" (oh, Baron, you so sneaky), and the more who do die, the harder it gets. The rare few he does accept, though, he'll give literally anything for. Once this elf man is your friend, you've got him for life.
Or...or until he can get the tattoos removed. 8|a
Appearance: Torn gives off the impression of having once been a solidly built man. It's not that he's gone to seed, to the contrary, his clothes almost seem to hang off him. He doesn't quite manage to fill them out. Living underground (literally and figuratively) has taken its toll on him physically, and it shows. Seems like he still takes care of his hair, though, pulled back and neatly separated into locks as it is. Ah, the things we do for vanity. ...Did I say vanity? I meant morale. He has the full run of KG tattoos (Jak X art shows them going down his arms--I'm going to hazard a guess and say they cover his torso, too.), leaving him permanently marked as Haven's military.
I also feel it is important to note that he does not have eyebrows.
No. Eyebrows.
Oh. Want a picture?
Have a picture. ...Yes, it's not Jak II art. I don't care. I'm vain and I like this design better so this is the one I'm showing you. 8|
Spoken / written languages: He speaks Common/Precurian (lol they’re totes the same thing, shhh) and reads/writes the...alphabet of hell. That I still don’t have memorized and probably never will. BUT HE DOES AND THAT’S WHAT MATTERS.
Abilities: He never uses it but to show it off, but it's pretty safe to assume that Torn has some level of skill with a knife (oooh, so flashy), and likewise with firearms (considering he's military and is apparently comfortable enough with morph-gun mods to just kind of. Throw them around. 8|a Yeah. That seems safe.). The guy is military, at any rate, so he's clearly had a fair amount of weapons training and hand-to-hand combat training. He's also, judging from his addiction, very, very good at reading maps.
Items: 8| Well he HAD pistols and a knife, but since Redd is a JERK and TOOK THEM I guess he’s just got the clothes on his back and a map of Haven (because he always has maps. Boy loves his maps.).
Third Person Sample: "What are you still doing here? I thought I gave you two a mission."
"Yeaaaaaah, about that." Daxter shrugs and points halfway up the stairwell. "See, we were on our way to do just what you told us to when--hey! I listen to you when you're talking!"
He would protest that's a lie, Daxter hardly even listens to Jak, much less Torn, but he's got other things on his mind now. He takes the stairs two at a time up to where Jak lies crumpled on them. He could be dead for all Torn knows; there's a little part of him ashamed that his first thought is "he better not be dead, I've got nowhere to ditch a body."
Lucky for them both, Jak seems to be alive. His breathing is shallow, but his eyelids flutter when Torn crouches over him. There's no immediate sign of injury, though it's hard to see--one of the bulbs overhead starts flickering erratically and dammit, now is not the time--and when Torn touches his skin, it's cool. Pure exhaustion maybe, though Torn hadn't thought he was running the kid that hard.
Of course, there's Krew to consider, too, and now that he thinks about it, he's not sure where Jak spends his time when he's not running missions or doing jobs. Fantastic commander he makes. Can't even keep track of a kid and a rat.
Daxter's still prattling on in the background, going on about something obviously very important to him (what isn't?), but Torn's not listening. He pats Jak's cheek with the back of his hand and Jak finally jerks awake, clearly disoriented. He takes a swing at Torn, the movement sluggish and uncoordinated. Torn grabs the fist aimed at his head and uses it to drag Jak upright.
"M'fine," Jak says, even though he's obviously not.
Torn raises an eyebrow. Kid's breath smells like alcohol, and isn't that just perfect? Dead on his feet and drunk, or at least on his way to it. "I dunno where you're from that passing out in stairwells is fine, kid, but it's not fine here." He leads Jak back down the stairs--though maybe carries is a better term, given the way the kid's legs shake under him.
Now that he's really looking at Jak, he can see just how bad off the kid is. Jak's eyes are shadowed and unfocused, his hands trembling. He doesn't even protest--much--when Torn pushes him into a bunk and drags a threadbare blanket over him, and that right there is testament to how wiped out he must be. For someone who seemed so gung-ho about wiping out a metalhead nest just a few hours ago, Jak's quiet is unsettling, to say the least.
Behind them, Daxter is still talking. Torn scruffs him, disregarding flailing feet and claws and ducks back through the auto-door, dropping the rat to the floor once it slides shut again.
First Person Sample: [The first thing he notices is the abundance of natural light. It is not, actually, something he sees a lot of, and sure as hell not something he sees when opening his eyes after the punch he fully expected doesn't come.
The second thing he notices are his surroundings. This is not where he was 10 minutes ago. This isn't even where he was 5 minutes ago. This isn't--
Oh what the hell, where are his pistols?
He's so distracted by that he completely fails to notice the nearby communicator transmitting quietly.]
Jak! Where the hell are you!?
[Because clearly, the rational thing to do in an unfamiliar situation is look for the guy you're pretty sure is going to want to deck you.]
And where the hell am I?
Preferred Quarters: None whatsoever