Turns out this is an actual movie title...
This crazy monday has turned out to be the best monday I think I've ever ever had.
So in grade school (3rd grade I think) we watched this canadian series about these 3 kids that have this newspaper and they fight this alien thing that is trying to take over their town. The theme song was awesome, the whole show was awesome...from the early 80's...just awesome. Well it was so weird and awesome that I have never forgotten it (this is crazy i know kids) and I think about it from time to time, but no one ever remembers or has any freakin clue what I am talking about.
Well....I found it and definitely teared up with laughter as I explained my crazed excitement to my roommate.
It's called Read All About It and someone is selling it on vhs on e-bay.
And found this awesome site with pictures that made me ....well...woop woop amd scare my hall.
http://members.rogers.com/ambrozic/tvo/read.html So this enough was enough to make my damn day...but it gets better...
Also in grade school (which after this evening Rach thinks mine was fucked up haha) we watched this movie about this grandmother that could charge herself up. And all I remembered was that she would plug herself into the wall at night and that there was a part with a hot air balloon or maybe a helicopter. Now just like the Read All About It thing, I knew my random spotty memories would never help me find this. But every now and then something would trigger the memory of this movie...well it was triggered today for some strange reason. So I found this site, typed in grandmother and sure enough I found the fucker.
It's a movie called The Electric Grandmother (if I would have known it was that simple:P )
And sure enough it's based off a Ray Bradbury story...no wonder it stuck in my head all these years. He's my favorite!
I only wish I could share this excitement with somebody who had any clue of what I am talking about...haha...
I'm random. But roomie loves me for my laughs (and cause i punched her in the ass today)
Time to wake up the sleepy one and head to bed. Damien Rice put her to sleep I'm thinkin.
Have a loverly Tuesday.
hugs and <3