bittersweet news

Apr 28, 2003 10:19

Well since my last post a lot has happened. We found a place to live, and everything went extremely smooth in the initial transfer. We were very unsettled about it but werent really sure why until AFTER we paid the deposit and were waiting to move. The place ended up having smaller rooms then we needed, less space even though it has more rooms. It has a garage which at this moment is holding the majority of our shit as we slowly figure out how to place shit to get it all in the house without feeling cramped. The back yard is huge as well as the front yard, more to mow. The bathrooms are smaller, the kitchen was a big problem, it was more open which is good, but had less space, which is VERY bad. So as you can see, we were not as EXCITED to get into it, and not a comfy right away as we were the last time. BUT we did find a make shift buffet for Ariel to put her dishes into that she liked and could handle making the kitchen problem gone. AND we are slowing figuring out how to get everything into the house, all the while not getting cramped. I have to thank Sarah for helping out as much as she did. I have moved my brother and his girlfriend, Kender and his girlfriend and his mother, and neither of them could manage to help out at all. Daniel came and helped me move the kids bed and that was it. I find it very depressing that the only person who was WILLING to help us was Sarah, who was on vacation and should not have had to be busy the whole time she was hanging with us. Thanks again for all your Help.
In other news I guess I am going to have to break down and go to the doctor. My sinus shit is bad and my eyes and face are very swollen, Im having daily nose bleeds. I have a constant headache, and I am constantly tired. I feel like Im about to fall out no matter when I go to sleep or when I wake up. I have a hard time eating sometimes. Im just in bad shape all around. Have not dreamt in several days or should I say, I have not remembered dreaming, but I have slept very deeply so I wouldnt really remember if I did dream or not. Oh well, I should be able to get more rest as the week goes by and we are completely rid of the burden of that other home. We shall see
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