Dec 18, 2005 18:32
Well drunk and boredom win another round. Last night we were with friends drinking and it came to a slow point so we decided to grab the phone. Never a smart idea. However we decided that we would call my brother and pretend to be the CPS. Keep in mind that A) it was 11:30 p.m. and B) we were pretty far gone on the drunk scale. Well Daniel and his girlfriend are in the middle of an active investigation (which made it all the more reason to do) and flew off the handle. Now I can understand a little bit of grief from their end, "that wasnt funny" or "Hey man its a little soon for that" Typical resposes to drunken fun. NOOOOO! 2 and a half hours later they called back and tried to see if it was real, and when we let them know, (by laughing) that it was us. They went ballistic. First some chick we have never met called and let us know how upset she was? Threatening to kick our ass and such nonsense. And then my brother called and let us know how mad he was by screaming and yelling and the likes. And then his girlfriend called and in her fashion attempted to let us know why they were so upset. You know why. Because they are in a 2 bedroom apartment, very small, inside with 5 adults smoking POT out of a bong. Well we have told him already that if you are afraid THAT BAD that your children are going to be taken from you, then you need to make some significant and drastic changes to your lifestyle in order to rectify that. They got in the situation with CPS because they are being watched for D.T. and when it first came about they freaked out because their apartment was by their own words beyond unsuitable for a 3 year old much less an infant. They are damn lucky that we have not called CPS on them ourselves and believe me it has been hell for us and our conscience not to do so. Anyone who knows them knows that those children are in a very bad place. So we being drunk and bored and attempting to make peace with ourselves over the situation decide to in good fun poke a stick at them. I am torn because in a normal situation this might seem a bit cruel of a joke to pull, and I know I should feel bad. But knowing the situation I just cant get over the fact that it took them 2 hours to clean up the place and get rid of the pot the were otherwise in the process of smoking, before they thought about the facts i.e. a call first from us to another phone, then a call at 11:30 from some random person that was NOT their case worker, for we dont know that persons name and C that the one doing the calling took 5 minutes to remember what department she was calling from or even what her last name was. So I still have to laugh.