
Jun 12, 2008 13:00

Bleh. Somethings missing and I can't decide what it is. I mean, I'm on vacation! I should be having the relaxing time of my life! But unfortch, things are piling up around me. Quite literally. I've been wanting to simplify my whole life for quite a while now. Both in my head and in a physical sense. For some reason my stress level is ridiculously higher than I must think it is, because I'm grinding my teeth so bad all day and night without realizing it that my jaws are growing big bumps of bone underneath my gums from the pressure my teeth are putting on the sockets. And I wake up, almost in tears, daily, because my facial muscles around my jaws hurt so bad and won't stretch. I mean, Im on vacation. Vacation from vacation really, the past 6 weeks I've been at an internship where my only responsibility was to show up on time, be clean, and be friendly. It can't be that bad. It just can't.

So what's missing? I think its just the opposite that causing me stress. I think its actually an abundance of "things" in my house. I mean seriously, two people cannot possibly have so much "stuff" that our office has turned into a storage closet. I literally. Cannot. See. Carpet. We need to get rid of everything. We have this tendency to keep things in the rarest occaision where I might need to use it two years from now. Like coffee mugs for instance. Do I really need 20 coffee mugs? When am I going to have twenty of my closest friends over for coffee? Or for instance Rock Band. Why does it have to take up so much freaking space?! And 8420348 t shirts. I dont even wear t shirts. And Mark insists on keeping the box to everything. The empty box. I mean do we need three Mac keyboards for one computer? Stacks of scrapbooking supplies? Three ipod docks? Two broken ipods? And this is just all stuff within eyesight. UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH i can't even turn around without LITERALLY bumping into shit. MUST CLEAR OUT. You know what? I'm going to use all this angry energy and just start walking around with a trashbag. Because really i don't want to pack all this junk up in a year and unpack it to another place where it doesn't belong.

Ok. So. Now that thats out of the way. Excited for three weeks off to get fit and control my mental state a little better. At least I'm not feeling super fat right now. Because trust me, if I was, i'd already have the gun to my head. Im reading to "relax" myself and I think its working. Just finished a great book and the downside of starting this next one is that it wont be as great. I went to barnes and to see if they had a suggestion for me, as in "since you liked this, you should try this..." but they all sounded boring. So I got the newer nick hornby and its not off to a good start, but i'll keep trying. Also got a fun dumb read (bergdorf blondes), and one I shouldve read when i was asked to, but didnt (catcher in the rye). So i'll try to focus my days on reading at the pool. Really, i know. Only I could make that stressful.

Blah blah blah quit whining, i know, people have real problems to worry about. In other news I spent the majority of the morning researching TARC schedules. And honestly its not that bad of a route from home to school. And, mark and I would take the same bus, he'd just stay on an extra three blocks or so. Could be kind of fun actually! And green... both for the environment and the extra "green" in my wallet as opposed to my gas tank. Or I could very well get mugged. Why am I afraid of urban transport???
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