Aug 19, 2006 17:01
I kissed a guy at the bar the other night.
its really not as bad as it sounds... my 'fake boyfreind' decided to leave me for vanessa, so I was complaining to him about how I can't even keep a real boyfreind, let alone a fake one. he said he would be my boyfreind, that he was kinda fat but still a nice guy. he wasnt really fat. and he WAS a nice guy. he was calling me hot stuff and making me laugh. I dont laugh enough anymore Ive decided. so when we were leaving, I gave him a hug and he kissed me on the cheek. I felt bad for him because it was obvious he wasnt used to having girls pay him attention, but also he had made my night better and I figured the least I could do was return the favor. So I kissed him.
LAST night at the bar, another guy was making me laugh. I could have kissed him. in fact Im pretty sure I could have done anything I wanted and he would have agreed. but I couldnt do it. I thought that with the death of whatever small hope I had left, Id be free to run around on some vindictive rampage. and here I had some guy wrapped around my finger, served up on a silver platter... and just the thought made me nauseous.