Mar 13, 2006 13:56
Danielle: You can't drop the drama bomb (while in the airport waiting to board out flight)
Jamie: You slutburger! (to Katie, on several occasions)
random guy: Im a virgo.
cab driver: Youre a virgin? THAT's not good!
captain: There are plenty of balls on this boat for everyone
captain: the most important rule is this... no one should be without a drink
Danielle: Why would you want to beat your cat? Thats animal cruelty! (in reference to what people would have thought of the whisper song back in the 50s)
Katie: SHIT- what stays in Nassau, happens in Nassau
Jamie: I was havingus a serious conversationus... thats Latin for having a serious conversation.
Day and Serg: Here's a toast to our parents sex drives
Security guard: you want to wake the snake, come down to the beach over there
(us all lying in bed deciding what our themes songs for spring break would be by singing a phrase from the fist song that came to mind)
Jenny: I'm in love with a stripper
Jamie: all night long...
Danielle: did you ever know that youre my hero?
Katie: I dont know what mine would be
Jamie: in the Navy...
Katie: Im dreaming of a naked Rolo
Jen: Im dreaming of a naked me
Katie: Youre dreaming of a naked baby?
Jen: the first rule about euchre is... it begins with an E
Joe: that's funny, you can laugh
Katie: if you eat my pizza, we are not going to be friends anymore
Katie: Im dancing with Patrick Suaze
Jen: Im giving up drinking... wait thats the dumbest thing I ever said
Jamie: I want to rub it up and down my body! (referring to ice on my sunburn)
Katie: thats a 5... wait no no a 10
Katie: you gotta get every hole... those goddamn ducks in alaska are dying
random guy: lets take a picture
Jamie: ok... whats your name again?
(picture is taken)
Jamie: no seriously, whats your name?
random guy: its ok, youre never going to see me again
cab driver: Conch is the viagra of the Bahamas... you give it to your boyfreind when he is under the sheet and it makes a tent
security guard: you like the caulk? (not like bathtub caulk)
random locals: we're getting sweet tonight! you drink it and it gives you the feeling