Heyyyy it's another surgayyyyy.

Feb 11, 2008 01:28

I know I do these a lot, but it's my journal and I do what I want.

Hi my name is: Amanda

When I'm nervous: I sweat, stop talking, maybe shake.. I have panic attacks, hah.

By this time next year: I will be in a totally awesome place with totally awesome peeps.

Last night: I worked for 8 hours.

Were you a planned baby? I don't think so, but I'm pretty sure my rents still love me.
Were you the first? The last.
Are your parents still married? Yes, they are.

Do you have low self esteem? Not all around low, just certain areas.
Do you get depressed about things easily? Not depressed, but worried and insecure.
Are you happy right now? I am.

Are you comfortable with the way you look? Yep.
Describe your hair: Shoulder length, bangs, dark.
Where do you buy most of your clothes? Everywhere.

Ever been kicked out of a bar? Nope.
Ever drunk dial an ex? Hah, not that I remember.
Can you tie a cherry stem using your tongue? I sure can't.

Do you prefer indoors or outdoors? Indoors.
Do you like walking in the rain? Nope.
Do you like thunderstorms? I don't. They used to terrify me when I was little, and I think it's scarred me for life.
With anyone? Nope.
Who? No oneeee.

Are you a vegetarian? No, thanks.
Anything you could eat forever? Potatos. Chicken. Cheesey, pasta, sauce stuff.
What is your favorite dessert? I like Little Debbie cakes.

Do you want to get married? Fucccckkk no.
Have you ever been in love? Indeed.
Are you in a relationship now? Nope.

1. Where is your cell phone?
On the desk.

2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Does not exist.

3. Your hair?
Brown and stuff.

4. Your style?
I don't know. Sometimes I look like trash, sometimes I look pretty good.

5. What makes you laugh?
My friendlies. And sometimes people I don't like so much. And my neice, she's fucking cute.

6. Siblings?
Shannon, Trish, and Greg. Though, I haven't seen Trish since I was about 11 or so, and my brother and I aren't really that close.

7. Your dreams last night?
I don't know.

8. Your favorite drink?
Tea, vodka.

9. Car you want?
1983 Mecedes.

10. The room you are in?
The living room.

11. Your life goal?

12. Your fears?
Straight jackets.

13. Piercings?
5 in ears, monroe.

14. Tonight?

15. Last night?

16. Latest epiphany?
It was actually 10 minutes ago.

17. One of your wish list items?
An awesome camera and some other things.

18. Where did you grow up?
Cleveland/East Bank

19. Favorite movie?
High Feldelity, Kill Bill, Say Anything.

20. What are you wearing?
Glasses, hoodie, button up shirt, tee shirt, and jeans.

21. Tattoos?

22. Ketchup?

23. Your computer?

24. Your friends?
The fucking shit.

25. Your mood?

26. Missing?
People, places and things.

27. What are you thinking about right now?
My plans.

28. Your car/truck is?
Shit and/or my parents Mercury Sable. I know.. I know.. how cool is that?

29. Your work?
Busy, easy etc.

30. Your summer?
I was mostly drunk if I recall.

31. Your favorite song?
I have no idea.

32. Your favorite color(s)?
Red and white.

33. When is the last time you laughed?
A few hours ago.

34. Last time you cried?
I don't even remember.

35. High school?
Is over.

36. Last text?
Allison or Megan.

37. Last received call?
I don't know. I think Amanda.

38. Last IM?
Zachary Packary.

39. Crushing?

40. Life?
Is hilarious and redik.

So, I did have an epiphany. Which is this:

I have good friends. One of which I've had for a decade, some I've had since middle school, and some I've had since highschool. And others that have popped up periodically. Now, some of these friends I'm really close to, I do lots of things with, and don't know what I would do without. Others, it seems, have turned into friends I only know or see when there's drinking involved. Not that that's a bad thing, I'm very fond of booze, actually. But I don't know, this friend of mine left me a comment on MySpace, and it just hit me that I only see certain people at drunk time. I'm not saying this is intentional or anyones fault. Maybe it's my fault for being so fucking horrible at phone calls and keeping in touch. I just wish I knew people better and hung out with people more in a not drunk state. It'd be nice to know my "friends" as friends and not just drinking buddies. Like, go see movies, or go shopping, or just hang out somewhere and sit around and talk.

Anyway, I'm a loser and that's what I was thinking about earlier. The dissapointing thing, on my part, is that I'll probably make no real effort to do these things because I'm a horrible person. In any event, I love everyone that I love and still love some people I hate.
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