Title: Dead Heroes: "Lost and Found" (Episode 1 complete)
Author: Sgt. Mayhem
Pairing: Jack/Jack (in the long run)
Genre: action/adventure
Rating: PG-13 overall for some swearing and violence
Summary: When a very familiar Supermarine Spitfire Mk. V flies through Space and Time, Torchwood and UNIT vie to figure out where it's from, what to do about the alien threat that came with it, and most importantly, who or what flew it here, and why...
Author's Notes: I started this long before the end of Torchwood Series 2, so the spoilers are minimal...probably through "Dead Man Walking." In this fic, Tosh is still a medical doctor, since when I started, we hadn't yet learned that she wasn't. ;) I have cast notes for this, too:
Col. Alisdair Sharpe is played by Sean Bean.
Lt. William McPherson is played by Ewan McGregor.
That's about it! So, here is the
Chapter Guide:
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5