Wow... the people. United States of America are just a bunch of Hiporcrites

Jan 19, 2006 22:03

Coming home from work my dad actually picked me up and He had his usual radio station on i think it was WSB and it has these conversations about the war and Iraq and Bush... i was literally about to scream at the radio. This guy who is sooo into being an american is just as bad as any type of extreamist islamic, arab , muslim what ever sterotype there is. He was discussing how these extreamist were terrizing the United States and the Bush was being cowardly for not being more forceful in trying to intimitate these extreamists in the middle east and than he said the most hipocritical thing i have ever heard... I quote "They were bombing us and bush should of stood up ad said that they bomb us so we should go bomb Mecca and Medina" I dont care what the hell people think of this war but it is not a HOLY WAR! These extreamists are after our country not our FAITH! Yes, i shall admit they claim that Cristians are bad... but the reason for this war is NOT because of FAITH! If these extreamist for example bombed the Vanican that would be clear symbol of a "holy war" but that they didnt. They went after our goverment. The trade center , the white house, and the pentagon. Are those places part of our countries' faith? Not only would destroying Mecca and Medina be so undiscribably horrific to those in the middle east but think about the Muslims and islamics here in the united states! Part of the Five Pillars of The muslim faith is to take and pilgrimage to Mecca . they would be not only destroying history of a Holy Land but they would be causeing more chaos here in the united states... those extreamist in America are JUST as bad as those in the middle east . only they only talk just wait till they actually provoke someone and some group to actually do it. It could quite possibly be the begging of WWIII. the consiquenses are outstanding. Who in there right mind would be that ignorant to voice a opinion that strongly on the radio that goes out to millions americans ... it just shows the Americans are easily brainwashed into thinking that war is the only way to win the war on terrorism. When really this whole war is based on our goverment trying to get revenge on a group of people that had harmed us... what makes us any better than those extreamists? i guess it just shows our soceity as in theirs follow the philophy Eye for and Eye....
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