Bammerton Lecture Hall, Saturday Morning,

Feb 01, 2009 01:47

Zack couldn't really see the relevance of participating in a model UN actually had to his current coursework, but his anthropology professor had volunteered the entire class to do it anyway, so the point was moot and he was Macedonia.

It was during a particularly long and boring discussion of coffee tariffs that it happened. Zack was sketching out a design for his engineering homework when he sneezed. Not a loud one, just one of those ones you catch yourself doing midway through.

Madagascar turned from his place beside Zack to stare at him, eyes bugged wide.

"Shut down everything!"

Zack blinked. "Excuse me?"

"The ports! The schools! The borders! EVERYTHING!"

Sometimes, Zack really didn't understand why everyone kept saying he was the strange one.

after fandom, bloody madagascar

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