Nov 17, 2009 20:06
Got to love all of the rumors that have been floating around. Mine are pretty easy to put to rest. All you have to do is look at the newest issue of Sports Illustrated and you'll see yours truly photo shoot on it. This 'A' delivers and how. The other 'A' doesn't star in magazines, instead he has to place an order in for the blue pills you find in Men's Health magazines.
As for the other rumor about someone being left out? All you have to do is walk by our apartment late at night and you'll hear that that's not the case at all. This is probably a taste of what's to come in the tabloids. Everyone loves a good story to gossip over.
Also, Bris, Patro, have either of you seen Bonnie's leash? I want to take her out for a run but it has disappeared. I checked under the couch and bed already and it's not there.