It is a huge boost to my self-esteem that a thirteen year old girl and a schizophrenic adore me. The girl, whom I haven't seen since she was two and I was twelve, actively sought me out on Myspace and told me I was something similar to a godmother to her. The schizophrenic, whom I met last night at Dan Electro's, invited me to dance with her twice and then fed me with such compliments as, "You're a really cool chick because you're not hung up on yourself."
After these events occurred, I asked myself two questions:
1. Do their unusual circumstances make these girls' compliments less meaningful?
2. Do their unusual circumstances make these girls' compliments less effective upon me?
I've concluded that the answer to both questions is no, although I still feel a little weird about it.
Currently listening:
The Man Who By Travis
Release date: By 04 April, 2000