this is how my game likes to greet me
whats Veetor even doing that he got sick?
oh dear
if you spread that to her i quit
he earned those stink lines
thanks Ced, Al just showered
(i didnt think i needed to draw in the stink lines this time, pretty obvious green cloud)
yes Al that chair is empty. Ceds not in it anymore
poor bby
Malle: hey Inori, congrats on not dying at all last update, im still proud of you for it
thanks for disease-ing up our nice clean bathrooom
how about you stop complaining and finish cooking it?
ok fine Inori will show you how its done
A+ babe
when your patients are better than your controllable
you can thank Veetor for that
finishing what Cedric interrupted last night
if you are ever wondering where both Veetor and Inori are its usually here
Malle: mmhmm yes im listening Alecto, oh thats nice
fuck yeah. first job, first try.
we will get you out of here yet!
Al finally found someone to listen!
oh hi Kitt, you look upset. whats bothering you?
well thats helpful
Veetor, dont be a creeper
he stared at her doing exercises for the whole time it took to fill her skill point that high
oh babe.
oh. oh. im sorry Malle. nothing i could do about that.
wahhh! creeper!
get out!
um yeah
ghostyCedric: and stay out!
oh look GoGo's here too
complaining about me changing the toilet a million years ago
you think she'd be more concerned with the stove we replaced after the epic fire she started
you too babe? atleast you are taking it pretty well
Alecto: isnt he cute?
yes bby, whatever makes you happy
Kitt: Boo!
thats just mean!
smart girl
hurry up Veets and dont use all the hot water
Malle: please GoGo, go easy on me, i just woke up
thank you for helping while Al sleeps
i think Kitts got it out for you Malle
or maybe not just you
what a way to spend your day off
how dare you interrupt their woohooy times GoGo
Alectos still got his big crush on Malle
seems about right
our ghosts really like to play games
dont you dare invite the creeper over
such a happy camper
Malle: but i just had to pee
you should know better Malle, you know how
GoGo is about the toilet
and who broke this?
just cuz shes pretty
dont break it, Malle just finish fixing it
Kitts back to rant about nothing
and Alecto's not listening
but oddly enough its GoGo who takes out her anger on him
yeah i dont like her either Inori
smile for the camera Kitt!
she broke Al again
GoGo tries to upstage Kitt
i think GoGo won
Grim: oh this bitch again
im crying too bby
and where did Veetor go? why isnt he here crying over his lady love?
oh too busy stuffing his face
twofee: Malle come help
Malle: 5 more minutes
twofee: now!
Malle: ok, ok im going, im going
and before she could even do anything
Malle: if i just close my eyes this isnt happening
please grim!
Malle: youre welcome but get out, i have to pee
you asked for it Mal
but the fridge is full?
Alecto: goodbye cruel world
Grim: why did i even leave before?
GoGo is fucking pissed Al didnt die
replace Al with Inori and this picture would perfectly sum up this asylum
our only casuality this update would be our little fishy friends that we lost at some point
rip little swimmers