Leftovers, fam'ly, and dates! Oh my!

May 31, 2009 19:37

So I have a ton of leftover turkey from Thanksgiving. I am seriously considering never touching turkey again, due to this, as I have been eating it for quite a few days now. I expect to be growing feathers any moment now. Maybe I can make it as a tropical dancer in Brazil. Hoo hah! If anyone wants some, there's... still some. Yeah.

I talked to my brother Henry today. Mom's sick, so everyone's pulling double-shifts. I've decided I may go back home for Christmas after all. It feels kind of weird staying here. The original plan was for Henry to come up and me to show him around and maybe get him interested in this college bidness, but if mama's sick, she'll need all the help she can get for Christmas prep and all that stuff. I'll probably buy my train ticket tomorrow or something.

I have a date for Friday! Yes, yes I do. I know this may come as a shock to many of you but I do sometimes attain something reminiscent to a healthy social life. I'm not the type to kiss and tell. However, as I've yet to kiss, I suppose I can tell: she's hot, British, and doesn't like French people. I mean, I'm sure she has other fine qualities, but being hot and hating the French pretty much do it for me right there. The British thing, well, it's identifying, so.

And now, I do believe it's time to subject my fellow Astor-mates to the beauty of Cole Porter. Full blast!

gobble gobble, hindsight is blurry, adelicious, did not bang that white girl, i speet un zee french, snarkatronic, the family

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