*my blanket is freezing...it's been out in the hall*

Sep 18, 2006 04:04

i have my appointment with the surgeon 
at 11:15 a.m. monday, september 18th.

anything he says will be scary.
and lead to even more difficult health 
and quality of life decisions. 
all of which i have to make on my own. 
oh how i wish my grandmother 
did not have dementia
(in general of course)
so she could be here for me. 
with me.
she was my rock in younger days.

my parents are self-proclaimed ostriches. 
loooove how they bury their heads in the sand. 
wonder what stupid questions 
they will ask the surgeon. 
should have heard them 
at my gastroenterologist's last wednesday.  
my face was still bright red
hours later.

i don't want my doctors to know
how little my mom and dad know. 
it's embarrassing.
and it makes my parents look dumb. 
however bitter i might be 
because of their lack of support
(the kind i need at least)
i still don't want 
my docs judging them.

guess blood really is thicker than water...

anyway i'm too scared to sleep. 
just after 4 a.m. over here in t-dot.

i don't usually solicit comments,
but it would really help me out
if i had kind and supportive words to read
before i leave my house in the morning.

thanks for reading y'all and have a great day!

fading back into yesterday before tomorrow comes,

~ rls 

surgery, personal, crohn's

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