Jul 16, 2007 09:36
The door from Milliways opens onto a stairwell in Alnwick Castle. "I never did manage to get the door to the Bar to open on purpose, except when we had a lot of people here who had to go back," he says apologetically. "Everyone all right? The infirmary's two levels down."
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She's been studying/refreshing her knowledge of treatments for burn victims since she first made the offer, but Sooraya's not arrogant enough to ever think that makes her a substitute for an MD.
Helen, it happens, is currently going over the store of supplies and looking very much as if she wants to scream. She's an older woman, probably in her fifties but looking in her sixties thanks to circumstances unavoidable. As Quinn and the others approach, she looks up. "I really hope you've got some- who're these, then?"
((and here's where slow kicks in, I have to drop off for a few hours))
After the rest of the Milliways contingent makes their introductions, the older woman nods. "Dr. Helen Bascombe," she says, "and this is my assistant Junia. We're glad to have you here. Have you ever worked on a trauma ward before?"
the chances of the rest.
"I believe Hajene Darley meant to assist with Van Zant's case. Shall we go see the ones in the other room, then?"
It's not far to the room where the five Americans with a chance of making it have been settled. Most of them were either in ground vehicles or off to the side when the dragon flamed, and only have burns on one side of their bodies as a consequence. The best-off, a broad-shouldered black man with a sergeant's stripes on what's left of his sleeve, stares a little at the new arrival.
Right. She remembers what she's been taught, has done(check airway, breathing, assess level of burns/amount of body surface involved).
) Her expression's calm, as she scrutinizes him.
"Didn't think..." The man grimaces. Most of his burns are confined to one side of his body; he was caught a glancing blow by the flames as he leapt for his life, but his arm and leg are in a hell of a state. "... anybody believed, any more."
Helen's set her assistant to looking after some of the others, but she herself's gone off to deal with the room containing the worse cases.
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