5th Enemy | Video / Action for traveling party

Aug 21, 2011 19:05

[Today, Fuuka has decided to try something different. She's given up on her cooking adventures for a short while to try her hand at other domestic abilities.

Today's failure? Cleaning. Her Murkrow is currently holding the camera in it's beak, and she gives it a slight wave before.. er, going to work. After a while, it becomes very apparent that she doesn't know what she's doing. Books are soon strewn everywhere, couches overturned, bedrooms looked like a smallscale hurricane had passed through.. she even managed to catch a few things on fire. Who knew so many household items were flammable? Fuuka didn't!

After she finished, she.. er, surveyed the room a bit. It wasn't exactly what she was going for. ... 2nd times the charm, right?

SO. She moves on to the NEXT room. And after that, the NEXT. Each one begins to look worse than the last. If you were a member of Fuuka's traveling party, there is.. a chance that she may have ravaged your room, too.]

T-This didn't.. go how I planned it to!
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