let the gardening begin!

Mar 31, 2015 21:52

i started some seeds indoors an hour ago, so my gardening season has begun. nothing fancy: sunflowers, nasturtiums, yarrow, and some very purple zinnias for dïe überblönde.

my mail-order plants have started to arrive too: got some fancy lilies already, and have three blueberry bushes on their way. those replace the two the croaked last summer. blueberry blight got 'em. if i'd known that's what it was, i coulda saved 'em, but it looked like they just needed more water, and then *bam* they died with their leaves on. (both dead branches with leaves and rapid die-back are diagnostic.)

the serious start to gardening will be when all the mail-order stuff is here, since it needs to be planted right quick.

Cross-posted from Dreamwidth.


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