10. voice. don't stand so close to me

May 22, 1999 17:17

House Rules:

Don't touch the beer unless you're over age an' plan on replacin' it. That means you, Keller.
Pick up after yourself.
Overnight guests go through me first.
Don't touch other people's stuff.
Morning exercises are mandatory.

Remember - the nose knows.

[Filtered AWAY from Laura//text//unhackable]

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father figure, the house by the forest, laura, temper on simmer, the nose knows, not the leader, responsibility

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alittlecredit May 23 2009, 00:44:17 UTC
Morning exercises are mandatory.

Remember - the nose knows.



voice; twodogsfighting May 23 2009, 03:26:14 UTC
Aren't you funny.


voice; alittlecredit May 23 2009, 04:37:59 UTC
I'm hilarious.

That girl-

So I hear you sent someone to go rooting around in my head. I didn't take that shit from Cable. I don't want to have to take it from you.


voice; twodogsfighting May 23 2009, 04:42:19 UTC
I didn't send her to look in your head, I sent her to look in your girlfriend's head. I even got permission first. What do you want me to do, pretend nothing happened?


voice; alittlecredit May 23 2009, 04:46:46 UTC
I want people to be straight-up with me. I'm fine. Don't treat me like I'm gonna explode just because I found a solution to my problem for once in my life.


voice; private; twodogsfighting May 23 2009, 05:04:43 UTC
It's not just your problem it's a fucking issue. Some girl I don't know waves a magic wand and suddenly you're all better an' I'm just supposed to sit back and be happy for you? When she can't explain how she did it, she's got nobody to vouch for her, an' you ain't exactly got a perfect track record when it comes to trusting people either? You knew what Pietro was doing. What if this was that all over again, an' a couple weeks down the road you wipe out the entire city by accident? Do I need to remind you of the Legacy Virus?

Believe me, I'd love to just trust her an' believe she was doin' the right thing an' just get on with our lives. But I can't because I've got a responsibility to make sure we all stay alive in this .


voice; private; alittlecredit May 23 2009, 05:24:00 UTC
Pietro isn't the first mutant to make bad decisions and he ain't the first mutant to be called a terrorist, for whatever reason. You have no idea what it felt like for some of us. It wasn't just that I had to start over again from scratch. I couldn't live the rest of my life feeling like someone was holding my head underwater. You don't get it.

I'm not going to let you make me feel like I've gone off the reservation just because I got desperate. I know I've been having some issues, but just because this isn't like riding a bicycle for me, it doesn't mean I'm going to bring the place down just because somebody flashes a needle in my face or something.

I can be responsible for myself.


voice; private; twodogsfighting May 23 2009, 05:34:02 UTC
As if he wasn't the one who started the whole thing in the first place. How many bad decisions does it take before you have to start answering for them, Richter?

I don't blame you for looking to a solution to the problem. I lost my powers I'd be dead, so I can't say I'd do the same thing, but I'm sympathetic.

You're taking this personal. It ain't personal. I was maybe teasin' you too hard about not having enough control, but that's not what this is about. It's about the things you can't control.


voice; private; alittlecredit May 23 2009, 05:54:28 UTC
I know what happened. From where I stand, our group is one of the few who do know what happened, thanks to the fact that Peter Parker has a thing for redheads and Terry thinks that moral ambiguity is the new pink. Pietro may be psycho. But I honestly believe he thought he was doing us all right. That's more than I can say for the X-Men half the time.

I'm trying not to take it personal, but it's pretty hard when you have people treating you like an egg in a microwave and part of you know they've got a point.


voice; private; twodogsfighting May 23 2009, 20:27:04 UTC
Most of me wants to say we'll deal with it when it happens, but I'm tryin' to be the long-sighted leader here for a change and seems like it's not working. So fuck it, we'll deal with it when it happens.


voice; private; eiremagic May 23 2009, 06:50:47 UTC
He's not me bleedin' boyfriend.

Yeh want me life story, I'm not yehr book to bleedin' read, all right?


voice; private; twodogsfighting May 23 2009, 18:01:17 UTC


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