Hi Everyone! I have a big announcement to make.
Due to personal issues as well as a waning interest in maintaining this site, I am handing over the project to my lovely SysOp, Kit. There is one exception to this - the name will be changed.
My main reasons for doing this have to do with the stress involved. I was feeling overwhelmed with everything and felt that I could not provide the level of service that I wanted to and thought you all deserved. After consulting with Kit he agreed to take over the site with the above exception.
The service will remain the same but it will have a new name and theme. Everyone who donated to have an account will remain early account holders. Everyone who is a beta tester retain their account status. The service itself will remain the same other than having a new name.
Kit's interest and desire to provide a good service rivals that of my own excitement earlier on in the project and I know he will do a good job.
Thank you everyone for your support for the past .... year almost and I hope you will continue to support Kit in getting the site off the ground!
Please watch
scribblit as Kit will be making a post of his own.