(no subject)

Feb 14, 2007 14:52

Once again...its been a while. But life is cancelled today so I'm bored and decided to update. Things have been going well, classes are good etc etc. I only have classes on Mon, Tues, and Wed so I have been desperatly looking for something to take up the rest of my time. I got a job at a restaurant called Le Petit Chateau in Bernardsville, doing bookkeeping, press kits etc. But I really dont like it. When I started looking for a job it wasnt for the money, its for the experience. Most of my close friends this semester are either abroad or commuting so I need something I enjoy doing to take up my time. The people who work at the restaurant are so incredibly self involved that even if they dont make it fun. I know alot of people dont have the luxury of choosing a job that they like, instead of one that just pays well. I feel a little spoiled saying that my job isnt fun so I'm going to quit. But the truth is, in a few years I wont have that opportunity, I'll have to take whatever I can get, so I might as well enjoy myself while I can. Right? Oh well, I think I'm going to quit, I'm going to the career center sometime this week, and I think I'm going to go to the Alpha Phi Omega meeting tonight. Just to see. If you've got any brilliant ideas I'd love to hear them.

Oh and Happy Valentines Day, if you read this I'm sure I've got a harry potter valentine for you, just find me and I'll give it to you. <3
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