Feb 21, 2021 22:41

When you're sentenced to felony probation in lieu of prison . . .

. . . maybe it's not the best idea . . .

. . . to upload pics to social media showcasing . . .

. . . post-sentence antics that completely . . .

. . . violate one's conditions of probation and . . .

. . . result in a probation violation hearing.

Behold this lovely weed pentagram!

You can put your weed in there . . . (Prize to whoever gets this reference).

Wow, that's a fat blunt!

This little marijuana plant was happily minding its business in a Big Gulp cup.

Mmm hmm . . . Oh, right. What a dingus. I have no sympathy for this offender. How dumb do you have to be to upload pictures of yourself committing criminal offenses and just criminal leanings in general? JFC. Note: These pics were from a case that preceded the legalization of marijuana in Colorado. Frankly, the weed was the least of my concerns - I was highly disturbed by the knife and the gang activity. I put my thumb down on this offender big time. If it had just been the weed I probably wouldn't have done a probation violation; however I found the gang activity problematic, as well as the knife. And the self mutilation, as well. Yes, this offender needed a good thunk on the forehead from the court, but she obviously needed mental health treatment. But, yeah, this case made me facedesk - I mean . . . really?

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