Mar 18, 2011 14:34
"This love is difficult, but it's real."
Oh, Taylor Swift. You've got my life nailed down to a T right now.
I can feel myself in a period of growth. I am revelling in many long, quiet moments of introspection and reflection. I am savouring the long discussions with myself, my friends, and my partner as we exchange ideas on how to percieve and handle this situation. I'm at a cross-roads of deciding how I want to look at this life. Should our decisions be left to fate? Should we roll with the punches, and take what is hurled in our direction? Or should we take control, and make hard and fast decisions that 'make sense'? Should we do a little bit of both?
I can feel myself changing. My once free-floating spirit is becoming more and more under my own control. Control is, of course, an illusion. We are all dealt blows. That we cannot control. But we can control are the blows that we throw ourselves. I'll hit myself in the stomach now to avoid being punched repeatedly in the face later on.
This love is real. And it's difficult. Difficult because we do not only love each other. We love other people too. We love our families, we love our friends. And if this love gets in the way of our other loves- well then what are you to do? Cheapen one love to stand up to another?