Aug 06, 2005 02:24
Does all bottled water taste the same to you? no
Do you wear shoes when you hang around the house or do you barefoot it? barefoot
If money was no object, where would you go out to eat tonight?
ruth's chris
List all the things on your bathroom counter without looking... jewelry, soap, brush, make-up, other crap.
Turn around and look behind you, what do you see? a fish tank
What's worse, a booger hanging out of your nose or a piece of spinach in your teeth? booger hanging out of your nose
If you could invent a new flavor of soda what would it be? i totally agree with hayley on the slurpee thing. or maybe if they invented like a slurpee vending machine thing
What's the first section you usually go to when you go to Walmart? hair stuff i guess? or make-up?
When is the last time you had a haircut? like 4 months ago, i need one
What kind of shampoo is in your shower right now? pantene and sheer blonde
How fast can you type on the keyboard? pretty fast
What time is it? 2:26am
What time do you wish it was? 11:00pm saturday night
Did you get enough sleep last night? kinda
What's the worst fashion trend going on right now in your opinion? yesss def exaggerated boho
Who is your favorite family member? royce
If there were no exotic species laws, what kind of pet would you get? elephant
If applicable, what kind of video games do you play? none
jigsaw puzzles annoying or delightful to you? um
If you could do anything you wanted to today what would it be? scuba dive in indonesia with my grandpa because thats what he's doing this week. or drinking daquiris on the hawaiin shore with my friends.
Can you lick your elbow? no
Can you put your leg behind your head? yes
Do you crack your knuckles? yesss
Favorite brand of chapstick: burts bees
Least favorite food: squash
Bubble baths or showers? showers
Do you have to wear deoderant? yeah
How do you get the little fuzzies off your sweaters? use one of those sticky roller things
Are you allergic to anything? honey and fire ants
Are you an upfront person? yes
Have you ever flashed anyone? yes
Besides your doctor, has anyone seen you naked? yes
What kind of gum is your favorite? big red
Using your current initials, choose a different name for yourself
LTC... Layla Torrence Christianson..haha i dont know. def Layla though
If you were born outside of your era, when would you want to be born and why?
like the 17 and 1800s so I could wear beautiful dresses all the time.
If you ran a store, what would you sell/have?
paintings, stuff for a room, accesories
What part in a movie would you love to play?
the bitch
In your opinion, why do people suck?
people spend too much time wrapped up in themselves.
If you had your own state, what would you put on your new quarter?
a lily
What's your biggest guilty pleasure dealing with music?
mariah carey, lindsay lohan
What's the oldest article of clothing you own?
a t-shirt that used to be my sisters that i used to sleep in when i was like 7
What piece of furniture have you replaced the most?
mmm, i havent i dont think
What type of art do you think more people should support?
not sure
What instrument do you wish you could be more than great at?
Record, Tape, or CD?
What do you think would be the best concert ever? (max: 4 bands)
beatles, 50 cent, tegan and sara..?
What's the best part of your favorite movie?
off the top of my head?..from mean girls when karen says "if you're from africa..why are you white?" and the other girl goes "Oh my gah karen you cant just ask people why they're white."
What do you think is the most over-rated candy ever?
m and ms
If you were writing out your will, who would you give your CD collection to?
i dont know
If you could only debate two topics the rest of your life, what would they be?
religion and evolution
Out of your friends, who would you say you are most jealous of, artistically?
thomas or dan
Most jealous of... socially?
pierce because everyone like licks his ass. except that im not so much jealous, just more of confused on that topic.
What do you collect?
nothing right now.
What is broken that you have, that you wish was fixed?
my car
What do you do when you're home sick?