ok well the seven on seven on game went basically how i expected...i did better then what i expected but we still lost bad but at safety i sucked cause i wasnt paying attention but oh well haha everyone in my family is ignoring my dad for being so stupiud when we got home and he goes up to i think i deserve an apology bullshit when four people think ur wrong and all of them think u should be the one apologizing something has to pop in ur head maybe im wrong but my dad is just gunna be stubborn for awhile then he'll randomly start talking to me again for no reason....i know what u are doing johnny depp dont think im so ignorant im gunna get u and ur creepy willy wonka smile and all ur lil oompaloompas if they are even in the new movie muhahahahaha lol sry
"and each and everyday will lead into tomorrow, tomorrow brings one less day without u, but dont wait up just leave the light on cause all the roads that i might take will all one day lead back to u ...and like the angel u are laugh creating a lightness in my chest ur eyes they penetrate me never cease to amaze me"
how soccer players play golf lol haha me and clay actuall played a whole game like that
me waking up looking out the window.....
the pointless sign.....
i dont remember taking this one but its there so im putting it in here