Jul 01, 2009 23:04
Ireland took me to the movies and held my hand and it was so nice and made me remember that it's good to have something more than just sex. That eventually I can do it all over again. Not right now, but eventually. I can't get over how much I love my job and that it grows on me more and more each day, and that I finally feel like I'm going somewhere with my life. I love having plans and goals but nothing set in stone because it's my life and I can do with it as I please. My giant 4th of July/20th birthday party is this weekend and I've been planning it for so long and I just hope everyone comes and has a ball and that the cops don't show up. Sometimes I feel like I'm missing out by not working at the pool and hanging out with the guys back home, but then I have days like today and realize that I'm doing my own thing and it's great just the way it is.