This got a good response from the book of sand...

Nov 24, 2013 15:38

Subject: "strangelove", or pi for some reason all i could think of when i read that email for a subject is "how i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb"
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 10:40:37 -0800

& |I renounce chaos.
| I am become Tl\"on.
creator of worlds
Almost immediately, reality yielded on
more than one account.
The truth is that it longed to
yield. Ten years ago any symmetry with a
resemblance of order - dialectical
materialism, anti-Semitism, Nazism -
was sufficient to entrance the minds of
men. How could one do other
than submit to Tlön, to the minute and
vast evidence of an orderly plan?

As the words scrolled by in the chat (some of which were mine), I looked
at the chaos around me. The maté in my cup and the people in my house
shared the same plan, to escape the disorder and find a new shape in a
better place.

Pi '(rational)
(pi (quote Rational))
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