(no subject)

Dec 14, 2009 17:53

Every time I try to use emacs, I keep doing everything but editing files. Right now I'm toying with Dired, since my otherwise-preferred file manager has recently taken up this obnoxious habit of not actually deleting files when I tell it to.

Surprisingly, it only took rebinding two keys before it was minimally usable, and a few more before it became comfortable.

("&" . dired-flag-garbage-files) ;; marks junk for deletion (.log, .aux, .orig, etc; configurable)
("$" . dired-do-flagged-delete) ;; actually deletes the marked files
("k" . dired-previous-line) ;; some mutt/vim habits die hard
("j" . dired-next-line) ;; but these are "comfort" bindings, not useful ones.
("c" . find-file) ;; dired-goto-file on j wasn't doing it for me
("q" . two-pi-r-quit-dired) ;; currently all this does is: (do-flagged-delete t) (quit-window t)

Overall, dired behaves like mutt, which I've been using for email for years.

It's not likely to take over my mind for editing files, though. I'd have to turn the editing bindings inside-out: I hate incremental search, but it's the default; I prefer regex search, but that's not the default; the regexes are cr\(e\)\1ping horrors (that only get "cr\\(e\\)\\1pier" when you're programming the damn thing) compared to the ones I've got in vim (and everywhere else, for that matter); the split frame modes boggle the mind (split-window-horizontally splits the window into two windows side-by-side --- you know, vertically, like vim's :vsplit); the bindings for getting rid of the splits are equally horrifying: it keeps telling me that I should use C-x 4 C-o RET. I'll… get right on that. (or, continue to use vim, where :q consistently closes stuff…)

This is a really long-winded way of repeating that old geek joke: emacs is a great operating system that has a horrible editor built in.

My next step is to rebind Dired's RET to open up vim if I'm on a regular file. Then my mission (or, journey to the dark side) will be complete.

In other news, finals are over for me on Wednesday, after which I will be going up to the home town for a week or so, then coming back down here, then going to seattle, then coming back down, then going to school for what is hopefully the semester in which I graduate. That's about all I've got for you all right now.

emacs, editors, vim

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