Steve Holt!

Jan 30, 2009 14:49

So, lately Natalie and I have been watching a lot of Arrested Development. If I could tear myself away from it I would save enough to buy the second season of Dexter. I've been spending a lot of the rest of my time playing with the psp and online resistance 2 and call of duty 4 with another bartender, whom I have dubbed the juggernaut. Juggs is just about as rabid about video games as I was when I was his young age of 22. Now if only he was as rabid about fighting games I'd have someone to practice street fighter on. I can't seem to find the restraint to stop watching Rihanna's disturbia, lady gaga's poker face, or katy perry's hot 'n cold, they're just so damn infectious. also in music news I picked up the Franz Ferdinand's Tonight (awesome), Eagles of Death metal's heart on (not as good as QotSA), and a cd from a band that plays at the casino every now and then, Moreland and Arbuckle (very good blues).

Also Nads and I were thinking about having a housewarming party but we couldn't think of a time, anyone?
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