"Who keeps telling people i want snow globes for christmas?!"

Sep 15, 2008 03:00

Jesus its getting cold again. With it comes the nostalgia of school years past and old loves and friendships, like a bad grainy newsreel. Gay. The casino is expanding this christmas and the only department that is growing is the beverage department. More cocktail waitresses, more barbacks and more assholes thinking that they know how to tend bar and that a cement mixer is a good shot. I only know that I know nothing. Way to quote me on something that i said like a year ago. Just the other day I realized how good some of those girls are at math, even if it is money math. Good god I can't wait to head off to china. I've finished paying off my car wreck damages and my credit card is finished. Now I just need to pick up a second job for some more coin and knock out TU. Its a shame that the quickest way to grow is a first hand taste of some sweet bliss that has been sorely lacking up until said point and a fresh wound as a reminder to schuck and jive. The second quickest way being an affinity for other peopleses's good advices and excelling @ mind reading. Go find your bliss and damn the social and personal responsibilities, right?

A man says to his wife, "Tell me something that will make me very happy and very sad at the same time." She thinks for a bit and says, "You know, your penis is a LOT bigger than all of your friends' penises."
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