Have you ever read "Little Expressionless Animals"? It's half a wonderful story about love and gender and power and what it means to be a woman and a sister and a mother, and half David Foster Wallace writing RPS of Trebek and Sajak a;sldkfj But yeah, I call Watson a "he" all the time too! And that was one of the bits in the NYT article that was really interesting to me, was that the scientists also treated Watson as real. And I think there's this tendency to treat anything that moves and responds to us as human. Like, I yell at the Roomba my mother keeps at home, whenever it gets stuck in corners, and why is that XD It clearly can't hear me. Just like the way they talk to Watson on the game show, even though he clearly can't hear or understand them.
(OH! So usually when I encounter dumpling sauce, it's a combination of vinegar + ginger or vinegar + soy sauce + layu, which means spicy oil? I've never really used sweet dipping sauce for dumplings mostly because I don't really like sweet things (:x ~a failure as a Shanghainese person~) and I tend to dislike plum sauce... on principle.... but it does work okay with pork and fried things. Anyway! My recommendation is something vinegary and add a touch of spice. Sometimes Asian stores sell gyoza dipping sauce, which is really vinegar + soy sauce + hot oil, hahah, if you want to do it the easy way!)
(OH! So usually when I encounter dumpling sauce, it's a combination of vinegar + ginger or vinegar + soy sauce + layu, which means spicy oil? I've never really used sweet dipping sauce for dumplings mostly because I don't really like sweet things (:x ~a failure as a Shanghainese person~) and I tend to dislike plum sauce... on principle.... but it does work okay with pork and fried things. Anyway! My recommendation is something vinegary and add a touch of spice. Sometimes Asian stores sell gyoza dipping sauce, which is really vinegar + soy sauce + hot oil, hahah, if you want to do it the easy way!)
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