Jul 13, 2005 10:53
i am finially home in michigan where i belong. its awesome. tomarrow ia m hangin out wiht my boy shane. cant wait.later today i am hangin out ith my friedns dave n jeremy maybe veronica n chrystal. so yea that should be fun. but the sucky part is that i ma stufk babysittin. good thing ou tit is i get paid to babysit. so hey. but yea even though i miss my uncle joe i am glad to be home. but yea tahts bout it. basicly next week i am goin down to detroit fer two weeks to visit my family donw there so that shoudl be fun. then sumtime when i get home i wanna hang out withd danielle mike n nikki. fer sure i am gonna be hanin out with my boy. but yea umm thats all i can think of fer now so yea l8er