1. Eat a bug? I ate an ant once, just cause i thought my dad did, but he really didnt
2. Bungee jump? Yea freekin right, the cord might break!
3. Hang glide? are you for serious?
4. Kill someone? Maybe, if it was legal
5. Kiss someone of the same sex? Hmm negative.
6. Have sex with someone of the same sex? negative
7. Parachute from a plane? are we going through this again
8. Walk on hot coals?everybody say hot hot hot
9. Go out with someone for their looks? nope, never. As long as they make me laugh its all good
10. For their reputation? nope
11. Be a vegetarian? hey, it could happen
12. Wear plaid with stripes? yea man,
13. IM a stranger? Uh yea, Hello.
14. Sing Karaoke? Hells yes. :-)
15. Get drunk off your ass? i doubt it
16. Shoplift? hmm negative
17. Run a red light? Possibly, if no one was around and i was in a hurry
18. Star in a porn video? Yea, it's my dream job..hmm no.
19. Dye your hair blue?oui oui, monsieur
20. Be on Survivor? i am not eating anything that looks like blah.
21. Wear makeup in public? Uh yea
22. Not wear makeup in public? all the time.
23. Cheat on a test? Sometimes, but not really.
24. Make someone cry? yea :-/
25. Date someone more than 10 years older than you? Is he Rich? no im just kidding, definatly not.
26. Stay up all night? thats a silly question, of course. Party Hard.
Arrested: never
Hand Cuffed: negative
Scared: Frig yea..MATT! :-0
Depressed: can you say, all my life?
In Love: i don't know.
Confused: Everyday
In a Fight: oui oui
Contact Fight: say what
In Debt: Uh not to my knowledge
Sick: yea, but its rare
In the hospital: Only when my step mom had the kids.
Drunk: that would be a big NO
High: nope, that would be a negative.
On Tv: Yea, biotch.
On Probation: No
Under House Arrest: No, but sometimes it feels like it.
Grounded: nope, im a very good kid
Threatened: Haha, yea.
Happy: only when im with...
Too busy: uhm yea?
Hurt: oh yea,
Ignored: Welcome to my life bitches.
Ugly: 24/7
Lost: 24/7
Forgotten: hells yea
Used: i have NO friends.
Clueless: Everyday
Dumb: Everyday
Fat: i dont need to feel fat i AM fat.
Helpless: Everyday
Ruined: Everyday
Pretty: Sometimes, but then i tell myself to stop kidding myself.
Loved: only when im with...
Annoying: Everyday
Meat/Veggies: Meat.
Love/Money: Love.
Family/Career: Family
Fat/Skinny: Fat
Busy/Lazy: i need to have something to do..both iguess
Car/Bike: car AND bike
Summer/Winter: autumn
Beach/Mountain: mountain
Travel/Work: both?
Lover/Friend: Both silly.
Right/Wrong: Wrong.
1 Best Friend/100 'friends': a best friend..even though i dont even have on of those anymore.