End of the year meme

Dec 22, 2010 19:05

I do this, or something similar every year with my cousin while i'm at theirs for xmas ... oh well i'm jumping the gun!

Where did you begin 2010?
with my flatmate dancing in a virtually empty pub.  i had to work new years day so it wasn't a big one.  it was disappointing because an aquaintance acted in a way that was totally twatish.  it wasn't so upsetting that he'd acted like that but rather more upsetting that anyone would be that impolite.

What was your status by Valentine's Day?
seeing someone.  and feeling hopeful about it.  although it wasn't a valentines date as such (rather more a case of it just so happened to be a mutually convenient day) we had a lovely date at the aquarium looking at the fishies and holding hands and such.  he dumped me the next day.

Did you have to go to the hospital?
i think i may have gone with lou to wait with her while she had an appointment

Did you have any encounters with the police?

Where did you go on vacation?
i don't think i went on holiday anywhere.  new years resolution is go lie on a beach somewhere (other then brighton)  i'm not sure bath for a hen night really counts as a holiday.

Did you know anybody who got married?
laura and ben got spliced.  and a guy i used to know at uni too

Did you know anybody who passed away?

What sporting events did you attend?
i think i may have gone to the dogs once  - does that count?

What concerts/shows did you go to?
i saw calender girls earlier thanks to a client who kindly gifted me the tickets.  also frightned rabbit who are amazing as always.  but the highlight had to be front row tickets to tim minchin.  i felt warm and fuzzy and happy for days after!

Describe your birthday?
i had  a few drinks after work with colleagues (who kept buying me drinks) and then met my friends for more drinks.  me and a friend headed to casablanca's which is usually a fool proof bet for a good night of boogying but the dj when we first got there was shit and the live band weren't amazing.  by that point we'd lost our momentum ... i finished my evening sitting in bed with a 6" steak and cheese sub (red onion and honey mustard sauce)

What's the one thing you thought you would never do but did in 2010?
show up at a guys house in a lingerie and heels ... and a mac for modesty.

What has/have been your favorite moment(s)?
tim minchin i think ...

What's something you learned about yourself?
i don't think this is something i learnt a-new, but perhaps something i was reminded off.  i mustn't count my chicks before they've hatched ... really really not!

Any new additions to your family?
some french cousin's had some babies

What was your best month?
i honestly don't think i could say

What music will you remember 2010 by?
i listened to a lot of frightened rabbit ...

Made new friends?
a few i guess

Any regrets?
the chicks/eggs thing ... but i'm not sure if that's a regret.  maybe it is

What do you want to change in 2011?
i'd like to be less of a procrastinator, better at my job, i'd like to get/keep fit, i'd like to be more happy with my lot in life

Overall, how would you rate this year? From 1-10?

What would you change about 2010?
see regrets

How old did you turn this year?

Do you have a New Year's resolution?
i don't remember what it was ... probably not though.

Start a new hobby?
i was bought a ukelele ... but the guy i had pegged as a teacher left the area so i've been plinking away on my own.  i intend to practice more.

Are you happy to see 2010 go?
each year has a sell by date. 
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