So I did it - I bit the bullet and signed up for real. At the very least, it'll be good for a laugh. I thought I'd keep track of it on here, if for nothing else then you guys' entertainment.
Noooo, you'll be axe-murdered! (I actually have a friend who found a man on one of these things and they got married and have kids and everything. So I hope you know what you're doing, little missy!)
Well now,... who do you know that's a murderer then?
By the way, what I remember from my friend is that a lot of guys will take it personally if you happen to decide they're not right for you. They'll be like "WHY? YOU'RE JUST SHALLOW AND YOU THINK YOU'RE SO HOT! I HATE YOU!" So be warned!
By the way, what I remember from my friend is that a lot of guys will take it personally if you happen to decide they're not right for you. They'll be like "WHY? YOU'RE JUST SHALLOW AND YOU THINK YOU'RE SO HOT! I HATE YOU!" So be warned!
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