Jul 29, 2009 20:00
last night the people in the new houses behind our building were having a party in their garden. i was hoping for an early night but never mind it is a saturday. at midnight it was still raging. we do not have double glazing so that did nothing to dull the sound. by 0230 the were singing drunkenly to a wide variety of songs that i, ordinarily would have enjoyed. called the council. perhaps i should've gone round and asked them to quieten down but one tired girl confronting a house of pissed up youngsters? i didn't fancy it.
so when the council come round, lou pops her head out of her room. anyway they shut up and i eventually manage to get 4hrs sleep before going to work.
*** edit ***
but i get an email from lou 'apologising' because, although she hadn't told me this, her first thought was that i'd rung bootsy. BOOTSY?!?! And this follows her revealing that (and queue gossip-chinese whispers) that jason had heard that bootsy had said that, on leaving the pub on friday, I had propositioned him with "i'm leaving now. you coming?" ummmm no! I vehemently denied this! I didn't even see him when I left or say goodbye. He was busy hitting on vittoria (who has a boyfriend who's giving her a kidney!) had made up the entire above, crossed-out, story to 'save me from myself'! This doesn't bother me as much as it should - as long as he hasn't been spreading this story around Lou's work. What would kind of bother me is the insinuation that i need saving from myself.
i'm a tiny little bit pissed off that she would think that. not very much though. However she did give Jason a talking to so I forgive her. aslo she bought us tim minchin tix. i <3 him