Sep 04, 2004 01:27
ok well riley came home with me and today was soooooooo slow and so yea and then we got ready for the game and then my daddy took us and he was being a btich and was like ur not leaving wihtout an umbrella!!!! and i was like umm no?? and so yea and then we get there and it was liek 6:15 and NO ONE was therehaha and so we just watched the band and shit and thenm peopel started showing up so it was all good and uggggh jeremy singler was there ugggh i hate that kid oo and danny would come up to me and we'd have like 10 minute long hugs and shit and hed be like awwwwwe ur so cute! and haha it was great! he smelled really good--but yea anyways ooooh and kelsey was most definately not supposed to be in memphis but the ranch and she SURPRISED ME WHEN!! SHE WENT I WAS SOOOO EXCITED MAN! haha wow it was cool! and yea my ear is like swolen to the max cause the piercing is infected and i swear to god it got hit like 50 times tonight and i was on the verge of crying it hurt so bad and like i had to count to ten like 20 times because everytime id get to 10 id start crying again so i had to coutn again and again and shit until i got no more tears it wasnt cool..but yea cbhs won! woot woot--i went to the voctory dance and it was sooo much fun! i danced liek the whole time and then i got to dance with matt---omg hes a dream boat! haha but yea hes got the best curly hair.--i like to pull it haha its great--but yea hes incredibaly hot! i could fall over and die from his hotness lol--but yea so i got to dance with him a lot and then umm lets see..emily (opie) relaxed over awhile and started dancing man i love that girl! we have so much in common and its just so cool! but yea um i think thats all that happened! so yea i guess ill go now! cause im sleepy! love to all byebye!