Full moon's in two days, Teen Wolf fans, do you know where your werewolf is? Here's your weekly TW roundup!
*Modnote: Apologies for the brief weirdness of the newsletter. Some bad coding got in and nommed on the page.
You Can't Go Home Again by
callmeadreamer; Pairing: Derek/Stiles
Voluntary Restraints by
joidianne4eva; Pairing: Danny/Jackson
Into the Woods by
ionaonie; Pairing: Derek/Stiles
A Hug Would Be Nice by
swing-set13; Chars: Jackson, Stiles
The Fight Will Be Your Own by
thisissirius; Chars: Chris Argent, Derek, Scott, Stiles, Sheriff Stilinski
Puppy Love by
joidianne4eva; Pairing: Derek/stiles
jackson-stiles - Pretty Handsome Awkward, a new Jackson/Stiles community, come check out the jock on geek action.
jacksonscott - Under the Moonlight, a new Jackson/Scott community
Friending Meme at
jackson-stiles Media
9 TW Icons by
imaginary-lives ~
Two for Roughing - A Jackson/Stiles Fanmix by