Jun 13, 2009 22:30
This is just not my week for videogame consoles. First, I get the Red Ring on my 360 (it's on its way back from Texas) & now this issue with my PS3.
I'm starting to run out of HD space on my PS3 (20GB left on my 60GB stock hd), so I decided it's time to upgrade the old internal hd. So, I backed up the drive with an external, then ran off to Best Buy & bought a drive (Seagate 2.5 in. 320GB 5400rpm SATA drive for $80). Cool, a Seagate drive is what's originally in the PS3, so it's all good. Get home & try to undo all the screws to get it off the mounting plate. Now for a part that's suppose to be user-upgradable, the screws are a pain in the ass! Of course, I strip ALL 4 SCREWS & only manage to get one undone. I'm pissed! So pissed, that I just said "@!%# it!", went on ebay & bought a used disk caddy for about $20. So I put the old drive back in & tested it. Man that was a waste of time. So when the replacement caddy shows up, I'll put the new drive in that one, then repeat backing up the PS3 hd, then do the replacement. It should go smoothly this time.
Maybe I better not touch my Wii anytime soon. Just in case.