Round 2: Challenge 4

Sep 03, 2010 00:02

Lacking in Character

>>  You must submit ONE icon
>>  Use only the images provided below
>>  Your icon must fit LJ standards (100x100, 40KB, JPG/PNG/GIF). Animated icons are OK!
>>  Icons must be made specifically for this challenge
>>  Blending of the provided images is allowed
>>  Brushes and textures are at the participants' discretion
>>  Icons cannot be posted elsewhere before the challenge ends & results are posted
>>  When submitting your icon, submit it to this post & include the icon + its URL (example on the profile page)

>>  The challenge ends this Thursday,  September 9th at 11:59pm PST. If you don't get your entry in on time, will receive 0 points for the challenge and you will not be allowed to vote during the challenge.
>>  Voting begins on Friday, September 10th (or earlier if everyone gets their icons in before then) and voting will close on Sunday, September 12th at 11:59pm PST. Remember, challenge participants are REQUIRED to vote! If you don't vote, you can't receive a score for the challenge.


( challenge entry ), round 2 | challenge 04

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