(no subject)

Feb 01, 2006 22:45

so i got back to my room a little while ago from a rather long and exhausting day, but im strangely not tired, so instead of being productive and using this time before i do crash to do my homework, i am filling out a useless survey. because i can.

200. My name is : kate

199. I was born on: 6/13

198. I am: not as tired as i should be

197. My hair color is: brown

196. My eye color is: brown

195. My shoe size is: 5-8 ish

194. My ring size is: no fricken idea

193. My shirt size is: any i decide i want

192. My height is: 5'1"

191. I am allergic to: walnuts, cats

190. I live in: crappy dorm, but not for that much longer!!!!

189. The last book i read: i guess it would be harry potter and the half blood prince.

188. My bed is: shitty here, pretty good at home, but i like shanes best. soooooo comfy

187. One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex: it isnt fair to generalize them.

186. I am glad I'm my sex because: i have the opportunity to defy more expectations

184. My Best friends are: the people i would give my life for, cuz i know theyd do the same

181. Three things I can never resist are: gum, coffee, cigarettes, food. in that order

179. My favorite pajamas are: my birthday suit. but i save that for special occasions

178. A perfect kiss is: meaningful

176. Last song that made me cry was: faithfully - journey

173. I could not live without: people in my life

172. My most treasured possession is: a photo of shane sleeping from our trip to canada last summer

170. What did you do last night: rehearsal, then homework

169. The funniest quote I know is: paula: "ladies, pull out!!" is only one of many

168. The quote that sums it all up for me is: "dont breathe too deep, dont think all day, that drip of hurt, that pint of shame goes away just play the game" - rent

167. My skin's reaction to the sun is (tan/burn): tan pretty well most of the time

-Do you believe in-

142. Love at first sight?: nope, only lust at first sight

141. Luck?: absolutely

140. Fate?: yea, but it only takes you so far. you can make your own fate

139. God?: dunno yet

138. Aliens?: yes. for us to believe that we are the only intelligent life in the vast expanse is so egotistic

137. Heaven?: dunno yet

136. Hell?: been there. its called uri theatre in this life

135. Ghosts?: definately

134. Horoscopes?: sometimes

133. Soul Mates?: yes, but i dont believe that you only have one

-Which is Better?-

129. Hugs or Kisses: both

128. Drunk or High: drunk

127. Phone or Online: depends what you are doing

126. Girls/Guys with/without Hats: again, depends on the person

125. Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes

122. Short or tall girls/guys: everyone is tall to me

120. Night or Day: night

119. Oranges or Apples: oranges

118. Short or long hair: guys? shaggy

117. 3 things you'd take in a fire: my family (if that counts as one thing, and includes my cats), my tinkerbell box of treasures (sentimental stuff), and my photo album (of pictures ive taken)

116. Abortion?: my body, my choice

115. Backstabbers?: what??

110. School?: this one

109. America?: not in this presidency, but any other time

107. Love?: love it

106. Friends before Love?: if that means being friends before you fall in love, then absolutely. its workin for me so far

-last time I...-

105. Took a Shower: last night

104. Talked on the phone: 20 minuites ago or so

103. Kissed someone: monday night ::tear::

102. Hugged someone: tonight

101. Seen someone I haven't seen in a while: uhhh... dunno

100. Had sex: satruday

90. The ditziest person I know? amanda whatsherface from my high school. not a blonde, but shoulda been

89. The one person who makes me laugh the most is: gridina, joe, shane, sara, the whole cast of urinetown, and pretty much everyone else in uri theatre

88. Which celebrity or famous person are you in love with?: none, really. id boink ville valo, though.

87. One thing I'm pissed about right now is: not having my car

83. The last movie I saw in the theater was: underworld 2

82. The thing I dont understand is: the petty shit that people complain about when there are people in the world dealing with such more serious stuff

80. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received is? but that would mean for me, right??

79. The one thing I love about the opposite sex is: how i can just fall into that crevice between the neck and armpit when we lay down

78. This week I am: gonna kill myself without my car

76. This Summer vacation I am: slaving at at least 2 jobs, and going to canada

75. Something I will really miss when I leave home is: security

73. Tomorrow: long day

72. Today: is almost over

71. Next Summer: didnt i just answer this question??

70. Next Week: i hope ill have my car back

67. People call me: kate, kitty kay, cat, guido, little one, kitty hawk, kit kat, katie, nandi, bitch

66. The person who I talk to the most on the phone is: my mom, i guess. and shane too

65. The person I had the longest on-going relationship with? friendship: gridina, who i miss very much right now "relationship" relationship: shane, still going

64. The person I have been friends with the longest is: see above. i also miss jimmy greatly

62. The person who knows the most about me is: gridina, hands down

61. The person who can read me the best is: shane and gridina

60. The most difficult thing to do is: let down someone you care about when its out of your hands

59. I have/have not gotten a speeding ticket?: have, dammit

58. I have the following siblings: harry, danny, rachel

57. My favorite people are: see all those listed in the "makes me laugh" answer

56. My zodiac sign is: gemini

55. The first person I thought/think I was/am in love with was/is: john

53. The one person who can't hide things from me: everyone, i supposed. we all have secrets

52. The person I find myself spilling my guts to is: joe, sara lately

51. Right now I am talking to: no one. im all by my lonesome :(

48. I have a job at: smokey bones, scene shop, coventry parks and rec

47. I have these pets: 2 cats, orange and wicket

46. I wish: I HAD MY CAR

45. The worst sound in the world is?: the tv in the middle of the night when all you wanna do is sleep and your roommate doesnt comprehend that

44. The person that makes me cry the most is: my dad

43. shoulder to cry on is: gridina, joe

34. My favorite state?: vermont, i think

33. My favorite piece of clothing is: my jeans. any of them

32. My favorite sport to play is: football!!!!

30. The last time I cried was: an hour ago

29. What am wearing right now is: comfy pants, tshirt, tank top

28. The school I go to is: uri

27. The last person I pissed off was: shane, i think

26. My worst drinking experience was: the end of the year bbq last year when i started drinking at 3 in the afternoon, and started spilling my guts to pat poole

24. The last movie I watched was: cool world

22. The all-time best movie is: i cant make a decision like that

21. The all-time best thing in the world is: falling a sleep knowing that the first thing you think about when you wake up can be the person sleeping next to you

19. The most annoying thing ever is: people who hold onto petty grudges

17. I lose all respect for people who: ignorant and closed minded

16. The movies I have cried at are: selena, gangs of new york, tru confessions, beaches, american history x, i am sam, beauty and the beast, and probably a hundred more

10. My favorite phrases: what the eff (i hate you for this, sam)

9. My room is full of: junk

8. My favorite celebrity is: johnny depp

7. My favorite cliche is: wanting to lay and just hold the person you are with, and feel like youve an incredible conversations even though neither of you have spoken a word

6. My downfall is?: i tend to let things pile up until it is too late

5. My weakness is?: see above

4. What turns me on: shane

3. I want this to end?: not really, cuz that means ill actually hafta do my homework

2. I filled out 200 questions because?: like i said, because i can

1. Was it fun?: eh
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