Oct 15, 2006 15:00
1st of all:
That was 2 interesting!!!!
Well anyways... I went back 2 Petersburg for fall break... it was ok.... could have been better......
about the best thing coming up is, I'll be 20 in 4 days!!
Basically bein 19 wasok.... it can be split up into 4 parts....
1. when I 1st truned 19 up until like November 5th
2. the rest of the schoolyear at MU up to the Spring semester
3. My 2nd my summervacition, which included my 2nd summer at Outdoor rec..
4. all of the fall semseter up until now....
but anyways...... I'll finally be out of my teens! woot! lol
that'sw all I'm posting for now, I got a lot more 2 say later....
and I do mean later on asin maybe 2day or 2marrow, not as in 2-3-4 more weeks from now.....
take care every1!