Lastsssststs Nizzight wazzzzzzzz tizzight

Jan 22, 2006 12:40

Well, last night was great. Didn't get to call in at work, but I got off an hour early. Went to the dance and got in free, the guy said that they had like 4 minutes left but it was 4 songs, so like 15 minutes, but hell, I'm not complaining. But I didn't get in before waiting in the parking lot for an hour waiting for Kyle Jordan and Angela to show.

The dance was ok, I knew most of the songs they played. Asked Enji out and got a yes (YAY FAKU). Most of the time the four of us were having poking fights or holding the other. So afterwards, do Jordie's. About half way there we get a call from Kyle to show up around 11:30, so what do we do? We park like 80ft away from the house, behind a tree and with the lights off. She blew me like a dozen times. Not like that, but we held each other, talked and waited for Kyle, who came speeding by us and sure enough we got there like right at 11:30.

TO THE BASEMENT! To watch pretty woman. Well, half of it. We were curled up in chairs with blankets, and if Jordie's ma hadn't came down and kicked us out, I would've contently fallen asleep with Enji in my arms. Five more minutes and I would've been there. I can't put how happy I was into the words of any living language, so for those of you who speak dead languages, here ya go. For those of you who wanna know how happy I was, learn.

Myet ela corr ke wie tow coa fo ei ball'e kest imna orl narr et mori ko.

Anyway, we take our hour of goodbyes, hugs, kisses, and cold pepsies on cleavage, then we head to Kyles (kyle and I).

This next bit shows how much Jordan cares for Kyle and my own well being. We head out to Step, about 4 times. From 2am to 5am, we drove through 4 counties, 5 cities, and a good dozen gas stations. And how much gas did I go through? Not a drop, it stayed at 1/4 tank the whole time. And I know my gas gage isn't fucked, cuz I put $6 in gas in it this morning and I'm up to 1/2. We see a sign, brown county state park...kyle busts out the cell and calls Jordie, who's TOO TIRED TO MAP QUEST US OUT. Yeah, some love, she won't even help us not get lost. We find a gas station, in Nashville. Somehow, we leave through the North side of town, end up on the east. Then not driving through Bloomington the west side and go in through the east side of town.


Anyway, went to John's and crashed. I was offered cig.s, BURBON(!!!!), and weed, and turned it all down....burbon....BURBON. Yeah, I turned down smoke, toke, and whiskey. Get over it. So I woke up, dropped of Kyle, got gas and here I am. Talkin to Enji, listening to The Wraith. I'm out though faku's. Peace and MCL.
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