Jun 29, 2005 17:14
1. What is your full name?: vanessa leigh murray
2. Spell your first name backwards: assenav
3. Date of birth: 12/4/86
4. Male or female: Female
5. Astrological sign: saggatarius
6. Nicknames: nessa,v
7. Occupation: umm...nothing??
8. Hair color: reddish orange
9. Eye color: blue
10. Where were you born: Salam Mass
11. Where do you reside now: ipswich
12. Age: 18
13. Screen names: twiztidgurl1128 n twiztidgurl42086
14. What does your screen name stand for: ehhh i dunno
15. Pets:uhhh...8 cats, 4 rabbits, 2 dogs, 7 chickens, a chinchilla, 2 snakes, and iguana, and some odd mice and fish
16. Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake: 18
17. Piercings:tounge and eyebrow
18. Tattoo's: one on my forearm
19. Shoe size: 9
20. Righty or lefty: Righty
21. Wearing: ehh..clothes??
22. Hearing: first day out...icp and cars going by outside
23. Feeling: bored
24. Eating/drinking: nothing
25. Have you ever been in love?: yes
26. How many people have you been in REAL love with?: 1
27. How many people have you kissed?: ehh..alot
28. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?: yeah
29. What do you look for in a guy?: funny and smart and motivated
30. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: teeth, hands
31. Do you believe in love at first sight?: yeah sorta
32. Do you remember your first love?: yeah
33. Who is the first person you kissed?: umm..charlie something?
34. Do you believe in fate?: yeah
35. Do you believe in soul mates?: i found mines
36. If so do you believe you'll ever find yours?: did
37. How many siblings do you have?: uhh...6 sisters n 4 brothers
38. What are your siblings names?: all of them...uggg...
39. What are your parents names?: tracy and kevin
40. Are your parents divorced?: no
41. How many siblings does your mother have?:beats me
42. How many siblings does your father have?: ??
43. Where are your parents from?: salemn and somewhere
44. Is your family close?: yeah
45. Does your family get together for holidays?: i dunno i havent been here long enough to find out
46. Do you have a drunk uncle?: probablly
47. Any medical problems run through your family?: yeah
48. Does someone in your family wear a toupee?: no one that i know of...lol
49. Do you have any nieces or nephews?: yeah
50. Do you have step parents?: yeah kevin is my step dad5
1. Has your family ever disowned another member of your family?: i dunno
52. Did some of your family come to America from another country?: how the fuck would i know that??
53. What song do you swear was written about your life?: ehh...i dunno i dont think about that
54. What's the most embarrassing cd you own?: BAHA..im proud of all my cds bitch...even savage garden
55. What's the best cd you own?: uhh...something
56. What song do you hate?: ummm...alot?
57. Do you sing in the shower?: dont everyone?
58. What song reminds you of that special someone? ummm...be urself
59. Color: black n silver n blue
60. Food: yummy...
61. Song: ummm...lets go all the way
62. TV Show: family guy n aquateen n futurama
63. School subject: i hate em all
64. Band/singer/artist: twiztid
65. Radio station: 100.3
66. Pair of shoes: DC
67. Actor: jonny depp
68. Actress: uhh...i dont know her name
69. Drink: yummy ice tea
70. Soda: faygo n sprite and lots o others
71. Holiday: all of em
72. Perfume/cologne: cologne
73. Pizza topping: ehh green peppers
74. Jello flavor: yucky
75. Card Game: spit
76. Video game: tony hawk, silent hill, resident evil
77. Computer game: spider solitare
78. Number: 13
79. Cereal: honey bunches of oats
80. Comedian: ehh i dunno
81. Teacher: ...
82. Salad dressing: french
83. Thing to do on the weeken: hang with my love n friends
84. Season: fall
85. Sport to watch: uhhh football?
86. People to talk to online: friends n family
87. What color are your sheets?: uhhh...white n pink
88. Do you have posters on your wall?: no
89. If so of what?:
90. Do you have a tv in your bedroom?: yeah
91. How many pillows are on your bed?: one
92. What do you normally sleep in?: shorts n a tank top
93. Describe your favorite pair of pajamas: uhh i dont have any
94. What size bed do you have?: twin
95. Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed: regular bed?
96. Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom?: no
97. Describe the last nightmare you had: i dont member
98. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: sometimes
99. How many people can comfortably sleep comfortably in your bed?: 1 maybe 2
100. Any unusual sleeping positions?: sometimes?
101. Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling?: yeah but i dont care
102. Do you snore?: nope unless im sick
103. How about drool?: if im in a deep sleep sometimes i do
104. Do you have an alarm clock in your room?: yes
105. What color is the carpet in your room?: dont have one
106. What's under your bed?: lots of things
107. loser/wannabe: Loser
108. Doughnuts/bagels: bagels
109. Day/night: Night
110. Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch of the west: east
111. Heaven/hell: hell
112. Make love/have sex: make love
113. Coffee/tea: coffe
114. Hamburgers/hotdogs: neither
115. rap/rock: rock
116. Britney/Christina: neither
117. Swiss cheese/american cheese: american!
118. Real World/Road Rules: road
119. Backstreet Boys/*Nsync: backstreet boys
120. Silver/gold: silver
121. Nike/Adidas: adidass
122. McDonalds/Taco Bell: taco bell
123. Sweet/sour: sour
124. Punk/emo: punk
125. Hot/cold: warm
126. Winter/summer: winter
127. Spring/fall: spring
128. Operas/plays: Plays
129. Read/watch tv: read
130. Cd's/tapes: cds
131. Dvd's/vhs: unn it dont matter
132. Old/new: old
133. Shorts/skirts: shorts
134. Pink/red: red
135. Colored pictures/black and white photos: both
136. Meat/vegetables: veggies
137. Mexican food/chinese food: chinese
138. Commercials/infomercials: info
139. Scary movies/comedies: scary
140. Sandals/tennis shoes: Sandles
141. Dogs/cats: Dog
142. Water/land: water
143. Sugar/spice: spice
144. Black/white: Black
145. ribbons/bows: Ribbon
146. Colored christmas lights/regular white christmas lights: colored
147. Austin Powers/James Bond: Austin Powers
148. Popcorn/pretzels: pretzels
149. Hip/hop: hop
150. Passionate kiss/peck: Passionate
151. WWE wrestling/real wrestling:real wrestling
152. Back rub/foot massage: back
153. Picture frames/photo albums: both
154. Pens/pencils: Pens
Have You Ever..
155. Mooned anyone: yes
156. Been on a diet: yes
157. Been to a foreign country: no
158. Broken a bone: no
159. Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling: nope
160. Sworn at a teacher: Yes
161. Got in a fight: Yes
162. Dated a teacher: No
163. Laughed so hard you peed your pants: no cant say i have
164. Thought about killing your enemy: Yes
165. Gone skinny dipping: yes
167. Told a little white lie: Yes
168. Told a secret you swore not to tell: Yes
169. Stolen anything: Yes
170. Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid: Yes
171. Been on TV: no
172. Been on the radio: no
173. Been in a mosh pit: yes
174. Been to a concert: Yes
175. Dated one of your best friends: yes
176. Loved someone so much it makes you cry: yes
177. Broken the law: Yes
178. Been to a rodeo: no
179. Been on a talk show: no
180. Been on a game show: No
181. Been on an airplane: Yes
182. Got to ride on a firetruck: no
183. Came close to dying: no
184. Gave someone a piggy back ride: Yes
185. Terrorized a babysitter: yes
186. Made a mud pie: no
187. Had a dream that you're falling off a cliff: Yes
188. Snuck out of the house at night: yes
189. Been so drunk you don't remember your name: yes
190. Felt like you didn't belong: Yes
191. Felt like the 3rd wheel: dont everyone at some time?
192. Smoked: ya
193. Done drugs: of course
194. Been arrested: yeah
195. Had your tonsils removed: No
196. Gone to camp: Yes
197. Won a bet: yes
198. Written a love letter: yes
199. Gone out of your way to be with the one you love: yes
200. Written a love poem: yes
201. Kissed in the rain: yes
202. Slow danced with someone you love: yes
203. Participated in an orgy: maybe...
204. Faked an orgasm: no
205. Stolen a kiss: yea
206. Asked a friend for relationship advice: Yes
207. Had a friend steal your crush: prob
208. Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love: i dont think so
209. Gotten a speeding ticket: no
210. Done jail time: sorta
211. Had to wear a uniform to work: no
212. Won a trophy: im not that cool
213. Thrown up in public: nope
214. Bowled a perfect game: no
215. Failed/got held back: yeah
216. Got perfect attendance in grade school: no never
217. Roasted pumpkin seeds: yes
218. Taken ballet/karate lessons: ballet
219. Attempted suicide: yes
220. Cut yourself: yes
Childhood Stuff..
221. Did you play with Barbies/G.I. Joes: Yes
222. Did you own Treasure Trolls: Yes
223. Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210: no
224. Did you play Simon Says: Yes
225. Did you watch Fraggle Rock: nope
226. Did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed: i thought et was in my closet one time
227. Did you wear the underwear with the days of the week on them: No
228. Were you shy: yeah
229. Were you spoiled: no
230. Were you abused: ehhh...yeah
231. Did you go to the circus: yea
232. Did you go to the zoo: no
233. Were you in a car accident: Yes
234. Did you build snowmen: Yes and forts
235. Did you cry when you scraped your knee: no
236. Were your older cousins mean to you: nope
237. Did you think slinkies were cool: 0f course i did
238. Did you think the Ninja Turtles really lived in the sewer: no
239. Were you afraid of the dark: yes
240. Did you have slumber parties: no
241. Did you have New Kids on the Block sheets, pillows, pajamas, sleeping bag?: no
242. Did you tease your hair out like Tiffany: no
243. Did you believe in the Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/ and the Tooth Fairy: yep
244. Do you believe in aliens: yeah
245. Name three things that are next to your computer: my cat, my cigs and a phone
246. Do you have any hidden talents: nope, i suck at everything
247. Do you wish MTV would play music videos: dont watch mtv
248. If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be: scary
249. What's the scariest movie you've ever seen: i dunno
250. What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen: napolean dynomite
251. Do you drive: yes n no
252. What is your dream car: a mustang
253. Do you think your good looking: sometimes
254. Do others think you are good looking: Yes
255. Would you ever sky dive: yea
256. Do you believe in Bigfoot: no
257. How many rooms do you have in your house: alot
258. Are you afraid of roller coasters: No
259. Do you believe in God: no
260. Do you believe in Satan: no
261. Do you own a pooltable: no
262. Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen: yeah but we dont use it
263. Do you like chocolate: sure sometimes
264. Who/what is on your 2005 calendar: puppies
265. How many U.S. states have you been to: i dunno a few
266. Ever wished on a shooting star: ive never even seen one
267. Do you carry any weapons on you: nope
268. Name something you can't get enough of: my hunnilove
269. Do you consider yourself a trendy person: i dont like what i like and if its not trendy well then who gives a fuck?!
270. Are you an artistic person: no im a failure at life
271. Are you a realistic person?: sure why not?
272. Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off: no
273. Are you a strong person: yeah ive been through alot of shit and it made me stronger
274. Are you a strong willed person: kinda i guess