
Aug 31, 2004 16:59

So yeah, I have really got to get a computer here shortly...its killing me not having one or computer access or access to the internet. But yeah I miss all my friends that aren't here with me!!! Especially you katie, love ya so much!!!! :) So im hanging out with Madison right now, and soon im gonna have to get get something to eat...cause im starving!! But I HATE MATH!!!! God damn my professor doesn't explain jack shit!!!! All of us today were kinda looking around at each other and wondering were the hell he was pulling these steps from! The worst part of that class is that we are only being graded on tests. But yeah so Composition kinda sucks, because we have soo many damn papers to write about the stupidest shit! UGH!!! University Experience is easy thus far but its all about the school and stuff...Helpful to all of us newbies! And to anyone who feels like asking how its going thus ok. Ok as in exactly how it sounds. Im not having the time of my life, but yet its not completely horrible. Its hard to find the people i know and hang out when everyone has separate schedules, etc. But the hardest part is making new friends...everyone already seems to have their own cliques. Luckily last night i talked and hung out with a couple people in my hall, but pretty much the rest of them surrounding me look at us like we're weird or something. Well maybe not weird but when they talk you can't tell if they are being sincere or if they regret they ever started speaking. Plus there has been a good amount of parties and such going on...but not invited to any, etc. And the one day I would have gone out with Mad, is when i HAD to finish typing my paper up so I could print it out the next day when i got home...and i was having a horrible writers block!!! It sucked to holy hell!!! I didnt end up finishing my paper until 1:20 in the morning. It sucked cause i had to BS the entire thing! But yeah...ooh chemistry is still going ok though!! THats good for me! :) But Yeah I'm gonna go ahead and run for now, but before I go i definitely have to tell you all...
Simple Plan's New Album out October 26th- "Still Not Getting Any"!!!! Listen for the first and newest single entitled-"Welcome to My Life"
I love them to death and love David Desrosiers with all my heart! :)

COUNTDOWN--------------------> 56 days till the Simple Plan album hits stores!
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