Well lets see here...Hurricane Charley didn't do anything to us, and I'm glad! If we would have come for us straight on he would have been a Category 5 for sure...and with that there is no escaping damage and or nothing left. Tornadoes may be the finger of God, but hurricanes are sure as hell the hand of the devil, bringing so much death and destruction. In all actuality im not religious, but the relation between god and the devil seems fitting for that situation. But enough about that. I only had 2 people call me before we found out the Charley had turned...i felt oh so loved. Well technically it was 3 because i talked to Katie online. But still only 3 people! Can tell im liked...It was Katie, Matt, and Caitlin who lives in freaking West Palm! People in my own County didn't call me!!!!!!!! Even Matt is in miami. So once again I decided to try and hunt down people to call and make sure they were ok, granted they may not care about me but i care about them. Im gonna stop complaining for now though...i don't want to be whining or anything.
So Saturday I woke up at like 6:35 am because i had to go into work at 7:00. This was because I had to go set up tables and chairs in the food court and help clean them off. So when i get down there Nick had just gotten down there and was untying the rope that held the tables and chairs together. So I grab one table, and what does he do...automatically go for the chairs. Oh well i got my work out for the morning! Although it did end up hurting my hands. But eventually we ended up cleaning the tables and when Michael arrived he took over for me and off to my shed i went...well that was after i swept in front of the main. But it was slow which really is no surprise. And Sunday was about the same...but it was my last day there yesterday...granted i didnt want to leave, but i have to. And pretty much the only people that made me feel loved there were Jarell, Lisa, Jessica, Mindy, and Alyssa. Well Bounyou and Dan, but i didnt see them yesterday. I got a mini cake for my going away gift from the market and then a swift kick in the ass good riddens. Well thats what it seemed like to me. But Jarell attacked me with the icing, and then Patty, lisa's aunt and jessica's mother, attacked me with the icing...so arnold came out and was pissed to holy hell...wasn't my fault though i wasnt about to run from her and make even more of a scene. SO he told us all to leave...which is where my swift kick in the ass comes figuratively. But i had stuff all over my face and hair so i tried to clean myself up as much as i could without washing my face off and i wasnt going to leave without cleaning the mess up. SO i stayed and cleaned it up. In turn Jarell was waiting for me and I didnt know it...he should have called me or told me, but oh well. We will hopefully be hanging out tomorrow. I just dont want to be forgotte or nobody call or come see me...not like they do anyways, but i can only hope for a change. Kela is one lucky person though cause when she left she got it done all out with stuff being bought for her and everything. Her, tiff, and Arnold had a close friendship or something. And then there i am just kinda...there. They may like me but it doesnt seem like that much.
But now I'm here at Meadowlawn again helping. I really do enjoy just coming in. It's like a second home to me! So there are these framed boards with paper stars and the staff's names on them, I had to fix them because the moisture got to the tape and alot of the stars fell. But now I have those stuck up there with packaging tape because the masking tape sucks! This is how long i have been helping in a school where i am comparing tape types...its a sad sad thing. But hey its not like i dont help people, and i have PLENTY of volunteer hours. I even got Volunteer of the year award when i was in 9th grade. Each school every year picks out a senior citizen, and adult, and a student that have helped the most and they all attend an awards ceremony. I got picked for the hours i helped in my eighth grade year here. So it was interesting. Although when i was there i did end up seeing a kid that was in my spanish 3 class at the time. So that was pretty cool. I'm actually rather bored right now...but we might go shopping with Mrs. Hill tonight so that will be nice! Oh and before I go as always there are some memegens and things for you to look at! Enjoy
I'm such the little angel now aren't I? But i like my little pony!!!
I tried both my real name and LJ name and both times i was chlorine...makes me wonder
With some of these quizzes that would be REALLy nice!!!!
HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I still havent finished this game yet...
You're Squall. Quiet, somber, and lonely, people
around you may wonder if you've just lost a
loved one.
Which Final Fantasy VIII character are you? brought to you by
Quizilla Interesting...
*~ What kind of dreamer are you? ~* brought to you by
Quizilla HELL YEAH AGAIN!!!!! I seriously wish it would happen...
Hmm...I wont disagree