May 16, 2005 16:17
Man i am so dead from work this weekend. After only having to go to class and then come back and be a lazy bum in my room all year, i am completely sore and dead from work this weekend. Yes i am now back at the flea market for work...i hate how that always sounds so trashy...but hey i get $8 an hour and its not bad for a weekend job only. Yes I know i need to get another job as my sis keeps pointing out to me. I like it there though..tis not bad and i do actually have fun (as long as there are no customers). lol But yeah I am gonna have to make this entry short. This past week i did nothing until thursday when i went into work with the rents. (To Meadowlawn Middle I went) I like it there too, i don't know what i'd do if there was a year i didnt go back to help considering i have been helping out since 6th grade. I remember the days not too long ago when i attended that school and was in the office helping out on a daily basis..woot fun times! So that is where i will be this entire week except for if anyone needs me...well that is where i will be until about 5 or so. PLUS i get paid on sunday so my phone should be truend back on sunday evening when i get home!!! No telling when that will be considering that I didnt even get signed off or clocked out (whatever you want to say) until 7 yesterday evening. So yeah...we were there a lil bit late considering market closes at 4. It is gonna suck too because the Pinellas County web server thingy has now blocked livejournal on their internet...and i used to update when i had down time while being there. Fuck pinellas county school system! But yeah anywats...i gotta yeah if you miss me or want to talk to me call me on sunday nigth sometime...or w/e! Im tired of feeling yeah! Adios to all!!! God i really need to have a bit of time alotted so i can fix up my myspace page and stuffs. but yeah..alrighty im gone.
Days till Hannah's b-day--------------------------------> 6
Days till My b-day--------------------------------------> 14